In January 2019, I did two “Live” Facebook transmissions this past weekend, one twelve
minute from up the Han and one late afternoon yesterday from the patio. I read
the poem samples from the free view of Unnatural
Beauty on Amazon. Five people viewed the first and two the second
transmission. I will also read some short stories, articles, or novel excerpts in
future transmissions. I point the smart phone camera outwards at the scenery,
the first transmission only showing my shadow on the ground. I want to develop some
slide shows for my readings. I will try it with what washes up on Penghu shores
that already has photos and perhaps Route 74 Extension but have to find a
suitable poem. The Bobbie Kitten’s Recovery has plenty of Bobby photos I can
cue up and show as I read the poem at the desk in front of the monitor. All
this would be done because I have nothing better to do with the excuse of being
a promotion for my works on my website. I don’t want to make the transmissions
more than fifteen minutes long.
IMovie is a feature on my Mac Pro. Perfect for
making You-Tube videos. I experimented with one last evening, but I have to
figure out how to upload background music, videos and photos. Because
Facebook sabotaged my blog dissemination, I have to look for other outlets for
my works. People like watching more than reading, so here I go. "I am flexible," I wrote. "The Han River Poem You-Tube Channel beckons. As a matter of
fact, once I get the gist, I will make a few you-tube channels."
It is almost a year later. I have gone nowhere with a Han River Poem Channel. I have not been bold. I have better things to do than try to make myself famous on You-Tube . My ego obviously doesn't need it