Monday, December 30, 2019

“Desiged” is not a word

          “Desiged” is not a word but it’s printed on the spine of Jerome Keating Ph.D’s ‘masterpiece The Mapping of Taiwan, the book that excludes Mr. Seldon’s Map of China in its scope. I realized the error this morning. Should the typo be “Designed” or should it, as the subtitle on the cover reads, be “Desired Economies, Converted Geographies”? It looks like the ‘g’ should be an ‘r’, but the error also appears on the spine of the book cover, too. Either way, how full-of-hot-air Dr. Keating’s book is as I browsed through the infantile text of a complex history; Dr. Keating has his paradigm down pat, but he’s not any fuller of shit, but more connived than I am compiling Taiwan Blog Tranmission (sic.)  The left out ‘s’ error is only on the inside title page, not on the cover at all. There is hope for us, yet, in a second edition. I actually looked at my manuscript the other day and may be on the verge of finally doing that second edition.
          Robert called while I was resting at the pool after another twenty-five laps without rest and we talked about out writing styles and outputs. I told him I was considering putting the fourth novel, Red Room Auditions, on the back-burner and starting on a fifth D.H. Lawrence type novel of soul searching and family relations. My characters are not any deeper than his. Robert jumps from different writing projects. That means he hasn’t taken hold of one. I have an urge to add my short stories about Taiwan to RRA and fictionalize inter-personal text from my journal for the family pot-boiler. My characters can be Louisa for Leona, and keep the first letter of every one’s name in my family drama so I don’t confuse myself. I don’t know. Something has to give. Robert and I both need a writing project we can get into. 

Monday, October 14, 2019

Facebook 'Live' and You-Tube Video Presentations

     In January 2019, I did two “Live” Facebook transmissions this past weekend, one twelve minute from up the Han and one late afternoon yesterday from the patio. I read the poem samples from the free view of Unnatural Beauty on Amazon. Five people viewed the first and two the second transmission. I will also read some short stories, articles, or novel excerpts in future transmissions. I point the smart phone camera outwards at the scenery, the first transmission only showing my shadow on the ground. I want to develop some slide shows for my readings. I will try it with what washes up on Penghu shores that already has photos and perhaps Route 74 Extension but have to find a suitable poem. The Bobbie Kitten’s Recovery has plenty of Bobby photos I can cue up and show as I read the poem at the desk in front of the monitor. All this would be done because I have nothing better to do with the excuse of being a promotion for my works on my website. I don’t want to make the transmissions more than fifteen minutes long.

     IMovie is a feature on my Mac Pro. Perfect for making You-Tube videos. I experimented with one last evening, but I have to figure out how to upload background music, videos and photos. Because Facebook sabotaged my blog dissemination, I have to look for other outlets for my works. People like watching more than reading, so here I go. "I am flexible," I wrote. "The Han River Poem You-Tube Channel beckons. As a matter of fact, once I get the gist, I will make a few you-tube channels."
It is almost a year later. I have gone nowhere with a Han River Poem Channel. I have not been bold.  I have better things to do than try to make myself famous on You-Tube . My ego obviously doesn't need it 

"What Washes Up..." Read on Dear John Show from U.K.

Nina Thilo and 2 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for “Poetry in the Blood” and “A Poet’s Diary.” I posted “What Washes Up on Penghu Shores” there a few days ago.  “A great piece enhanced by the photos,” she commented
“Thanks for your assessment; I appreciate it,” I replied. She wanted to connect and I accepted; a chat conversation was started by her.
“Hi David please could I have your permission to read your poem "What Washes up on Penghu Shores" on the Dear John show?
“Yes, of course. May I see and hear you read?”
“You most certainly may and thank you. I will send you a link to the show page.
The Dear John Show 5 · Literary Arts
“Thanks Nina. Let me know when you will read my poem.”
“It will be tomorrow evening.”
“Thanks. What time, what day GMT? I have never heard my poetry read by anyone else but me LOL”
“The show will start at 7:30 pm UK time. I will come on around an hour later probably. Hope I do it justice 🙈
“You'll be great, I'm sure. Just remember the "wind" in the typhoon line is a verb with a long "i"; like a wind-up doll. 7:30pm in the U.K. is 1930 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) which is 3:30am here in Taiwan. Hope I can stay up. LOL. Be good!”
“I’ll try!”       
I don’t know if I will be up at 3:30 this morning to hear it but it is nice to know that I have gotten so many views (682) and ‘likes’ and ‘loves’ including accolades like “wonderful” and “marvelous piece”.

Poetry for the poets
Welcome to The Dear John Show page. This is a Facebook Live Show, airing once a week, which highlights poets and their writes from around the world. We have resident readers who will gladly recite poems for those who would prefer to stay off camera, but we also encourage viewers and members to take the plunge and step forward into the limelight to read their own works. All genres are included. We look forward to seeing you and working with you to create a community of poetical enjoyment.

          I saw Nina Thilo read my poem on “The Dear John Show” a short while ago. I happened to wake up at 3:07am and remembered the airing. Nina read it so well, with a proper British accent. I was able to record a video of the introduction but the Facebook device stopped so I recorded a voice clip on Messenger of the last few verses. I could never read my poems so well thanks to my Brooklyn accent. I don’t even know how to make a YouTube video of myself well; I look so lame and can’t find the camera on the smart phone. Even though the Facebook Live Show was miniscule in outreach, even less miniscule than my blogs I share on Facebook, it still gave me a thrill. I IM’d Nina to say she read it well and thank her. Maybe I can get a voice clip of her whole reading.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Returning to Work on Red Room Auditions Pt. 1

     I am glad Malcolm is inspired to release some old fiction to show me and is working on a new project. Initially he planned a short story but another confidant and I convinced him to elongate it. There are indications I may be on the verge of returning to write my fourth novel or edit and publish the first three. I am sitting on it for now, writing poems and blog pieces, as I wish. But I don't think I'll be going to today’s Critique Meet in Taipei; I haven't looked at the others' writings in Dropbox. I lost the urgency to edit, publish, or find a publisher, for now, but I'm not deleting the work I've accomplished, either. 

   I did some work on Chapter 2 of RRA yesterday, making the present tense monologue of Nate Fisher more dynamic and fixing the investigation details of the first three murdered making background relevant. Initially, I dumped stories of three creeps I'd met in Taiwan without aligning them with the plot or even making them dead! I've been working on the novel inside out; dumping details, leaving the weaving till later. Later is now. Without having to wrap three days around silly bushiban classes, I have time to spread out and think. I even went up the river two mornings in a row last weekend; something I hadn't done in a while because of the rain and other factors.

    A few days ago, I started to edit Chapter 2 of RRA. In all my “packing and unpacking junk” from manuscripts, there has been little fresh copy besides a few political taIWWan pieces and poetry. There are three photo blogs awaiting text in Taichung Journal and a few on music in Radio Free International and The Gershwin Summer, The Silver Pinball, the latter two blogs I may abandon and add contents to the former because I haven’t written enough articles to warrant its own blogs.


     I changed the text of TBT to 12 pt. from 14. It reduced the length of the book thirty pages, even after I added five more stories; it's now 260 pages long. I haven't incorporated the textural edits I'd been making to the dummy book; indeed, I haven't finished making those edits and I just added more pages that haven't been scrutinized. 
     Robert sent me a name of a CIA spook, Mudd, to follow up on and educate the history of Nate Fisher. I want Nate involved in the U.S. Air Force on surveillance while on duty in Taiwan before leaving to become a SF detective. 
     Unlike Malcolm and Robert, I have no story board or plot map for RRA. It seemed to be no problem in AWM; the plot wrote itself as I discovered what I would do as the characters discovered. But I am lost in RRA because I haven’t decided on a climax yet. Right now, Nate will be discovering his estranged daughter is a high-priced call girl. She will be based on Simone's friend, Victoria that had some notoriety in Taiwan for her big boobs in the early millennium before her career deflated. The mother of Nate's child sold her up as a model when she was young and that was her demise. Nate finds her in a high class call girl and they realize they are father and daughter. He ends the novel with her at his side on the plane back to SF, AIT issuing her a replacement passport for the one her mother stole. I have to write about what I know. I'm going to have to write some new text instead of borrowing from myself.

     I did more work on RRA the past few days adding nuance to Chapter 2, The First Three Murders; I may re-title the chapter "The First Three Auditions" in keeping the sardonic feel of the undercurrent. I don't know how I will incorporate Malcolm's Jade Menagerie obstructions but I want to; I haven't done it yet. Maybe I'll have the character "Malcolm" spit them out when he's there or let Nate or Chen talk about it in the third person. It would be cool if after all the ways are introduced, there is a flurry of revelation in the last few chapters. I have to create a timeline for Nate so I don't get mixed up. 
     Robert was helpful in brainstorming it with me by LINE last week. 

1.     Born 1955 Brooklyn. Moves to SF with family at aged 7. 
2.     Enlisted 1975. Sent to Taiwan after boot camp; 20 years old
3.     1976-1979 Air Force police in Taiwan; 21-25 years old 
4.     1980-1982- Monterrey Language school and CIA; 26-28 years old 
5.     1983-1989 Return to Taiwan as Air Force surveillance; 29-35 years old 
6.     1990- 2002 Joins SFPD as detective specializing in Chinese community; 35-47 years old
7.     2002-2004 Sent back to Taiwan to solve serial murder cases. 47-50 years old 
8.     2005-2009 Returns to U.S. to SFPD; 50-55 years old
9.     Retires; 55 years old. 
     Something like that. I also typed up a few more dates in Taiwan Teacher's Journal to be included in the E-E-O book. I looked over Smoke No Fire and Life's Progressive Movement that starts at Chapter 22 of SNF. Once I reduce the type size to 12, I might want to rejoin the manuscripts into one. 

 I finished editing Chapter 2 of RRA and tackled my desire to add Malcolm's Jade Menagerie subterfuge, but I did it as a power point presentation at a meeting of white CIA agents on Roosevelt Road. No Taiwanese agents were invited, not even Chen who is on the serial murder investigation team. Nate Fisher is disgusted by the racist stereotyping but is glad the room is darkened so no one can see the expression on his face. I say Malcolm's handbook is true but it doesn't only pertain to Taiwanese. In RRA, there will be instances of obstruction from the white boys more than the Taiwanese. In fact, they try to pin the murders on an innocent, but ignorant, victim: Darrow Shaw's character. It is gas-lighting, I think it's called. I'll work it out. But for now, the first two chapters are what I want; present infinitive tense is used for most of Nate's internal dialogue. I sent a draft to Malcolm who says he's confused by it. It has to be consistent for the reader to get readers' confidence.
     I was asked, after sharing Ch.2 in Messenger by Malcolm, "Why in the present?" I wrote:
He's living in the infinitive; everything hits him in the face. Only passive voice (something done by an other) and past perfect tenses (something that happened before something else in the past happened) are exceptions. Let me know if I miss (LOL) any. He is also running from the past and Sees no future.

I explained that In Brooklyn, we often use this infinitive tense to dramatize. It is most prominent in our reported speech which is not reported speech rules at all. For example, instead of saying. "He said he had lived in Little Falls before he moved to Taiwan" we would say: "He goes he lived in Little Falls before he goes to Taiwan." Nate Fisher, a displaced Brooklynite, carries that syntax with him through the air police, CIA, and detective career, only in his internal dialogue and to his homies. I hope the reader is flattered being welcomed into his world
The other characters, and Nate himself, do not use the infinite in conversation with each other; he only uses it when he is reporting to the reader.