“Desiged” is not a word but it’s
printed on the spine of Jerome Keating Ph.D’s ‘masterpiece The Mapping of Taiwan, the book that excludes Mr. Seldon’s Map of China in its scope. I realized the error this
morning. Should the typo be “Designed” or should it, as the subtitle on the
cover reads, be “Desired Economies,
Converted Geographies”? It looks like the ‘g’ should be an ‘r’, but the error
also appears on the spine of the book cover, too. Either way, how
full-of-hot-air Dr. Keating’s book is as I browsed through the infantile text
of a complex history; Dr. Keating has his paradigm down pat, but he’s not any fuller
of shit, but more connived than I am compiling Taiwan Blog Tranmission (sic.)
The left out ‘s’ error is only on the inside title page, not on the
cover at all. There is hope for us, yet, in a second edition. I actually looked
at my manuscript the other day and may be on the verge of finally doing that
second edition.
Robert called while I was
resting at the pool after another twenty-five laps without rest and we talked
about out writing styles and outputs. I told him I was considering putting the
fourth novel, Red Room Auditions, on
the back-burner and starting on a fifth D.H. Lawrence type novel of soul
searching and family relations. My characters are not any deeper than his.
Robert jumps from different writing projects. That means he hasn’t taken hold
of one. I have an urge to add my short stories about Taiwan to RRA and
fictionalize inter-personal text from my journal for the family pot-boiler. My
characters can be Louisa for Leona, and keep the first letter of every one’s
name in my family drama so I don’t confuse myself. I don’t know. Something has
to give. Robert and I both need a writing project we can get into.
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