Sunday, July 1, 2018

He's Got to be Keating Me

        On June 2, 2018, I wrote to Jerome Keating Ph. D  when I noticed he liked a poem I posted on Facebook. Jerome is an elderly teacher living in Taiwan since 1988. 
“Hi Jerome. We met and you autographed Mapping of Taiwan at the International Book Expo in Taipei. Thank you for liking my poem. Be well,” I wrote.
         “I remember that,” he replied. “Hope that you also liked the Map book and how  economies often lead to coveted geographies." 
       “I do like the whole jist of your project. I have some questions. You don't refer to Mr. Seldon's Map of China. Why?”
        “Not sure which map you are referring to?” he replied.
       The author [Timothy Brook] rediscovered a map brought to Oxford library in the 17th century, I said. The map shows that China was the first to know about, trade through, and map the South China Sea. Being an apologist for U.S. hegemonic Asian policy and a detractor of Chinese sea rights in building up navel outposts there, perhaps Dr. Keating was playing dumb. "I think that book must have been published too late for you to reference in yours,” I said leaving him a way out.
          Instead of admitting he wasn’t aware of the book or map, or worse, denying and covering up what the map told the world, he must have Googled it, thought fast and came back with an educated response.
          “Yes on a couple of counts. 1) The book came out after my book was first published and 2) the map is a composite and it is unsure who put it together and when &. 3) while it definitely talks of trade routes etc. my book focuses more on how Taiwan got on the map; so though I was aware of it by the time the bi-lingual version came out; there was not enough there to specifically relate to my focus. That said, the map does show the awareness and importance of trade in the early 17th century.”
          “But you will refer to it in the second edition, won't you?” I chided. “The map doesn't look composite.”
          “The map seems to be as I say a composite, where someone who was into trade, put together a couple of existing maps.” He was bullish now. I scanned and sent him a copy of the map to see for himself that it was not a composite and did, indeed, include Taiwan on its radar. 
         On July 1, 2018, I was bored and texted Keating Ph.D. while sitting up the river. “What are the politics looking like in Taichung?” he had texted me once. I threw back to the question  about Taipei. 
“I have a piece that will be in the Taipei Times this week--it says Ko-P is going down,” he replied.
“I don't read any English news from Taiwan. I look to socialist and worker union perspectives on the topic," I wrote.
“I don't read Chinese," he replied, "but I belong to many groups. I listen to friends whose opinions I trust, and I constantly look at the difference between what politicians say and do. That said, Ko-p's biggest disadvantage here is that he has no party and has depended more on swing vote. Will send the op-ed when it is out.”  Keating Ph. D probably supports the DPP and the U.S. CIA for not liking  Mayor Ko going to Shanghai to show friendship and make peace for Taiwan; something he abhors. Mayor Ko's "swing vote" implies he is a KMT supporter. 
“An aside, when I was in the US, I had one friend who if he told me he liked a movie, I figured I would not like it, and another friend who said if he liked it, I figured I would too.”
“My op-ed would never be printed by any English newspaper in Taiwan,” I simply replied. 
“You need to see my book on Paradigms,” he replied like a salesman.
“Thank you. And you can read my writings at All gratuities go to Kiva,” I shot back.
He didn’t know about Kiva so I sent him a link to the site that forwards investment loans to poor people around the world.
“Suggested donation $2.00 a story or article, $10 a book,” I said.
He replied with two gratuitous thumbs-up and sent me the link to his book instead. It had become a stand-off over his book and mine.
Then I laid it on the line: “If I buy Paradigms will you donate to the cause of my choice, Kiva, for example?”
“I have to examine Kiva more; I seldom donate to causes unless I have been involved in them and know the people; too often burned,” he responded trying to weasel out.
“Suit yourself. You already owe me one for buying Taiwan Maps at a premium price LOL.” I wasn’t really laughing out loud; I felt offended. He winked back like it was an inside joke but I still wasn’t laughing.
So he was saying I should buy a book he wrote but he doesn't have to look at my website or donate a penny to read mine because he doesn’t trust a cause I would donate the profit to? That’s some paradigm!
I wrote this piece in “Readings and Ridings” blog about J. Keating Ph. D.'s certainty and disregard for my experience and knowledge because I disagree with his American government viewpoint. It doesn’t impress me the title he attaches to his name. But Jerome is my elder and a great writer; I do respect him, but he was condescending; I deserve more respect than that. I have, after all, been teaching longer than he has, here and New York City, written as much, and have more teaching experience including college teaching experience; two years in Taiwan from '84-86, but I’m not in competition with him for pretension. I had lived in Taiwan a full ten years before he came onto the scene, and I can speak and read Mandarin, a skill he admits not acquiring despite his Taiwanese spouse and longevity here. 
 Chinese detractors have the sway in the English media, Facebook groups, and academics in Taiwan, except for the old stalwart China Times. Expats seeking the truth about Taiwan and China must be on their guard. Few here will give you the right direction.

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